


 class WxApi {
  const appId   = "";
  const appSecret  = "";
  const mchid   = ""; //商户号
  const privatekey = ""; //私钥
  public $parameters = array();
  public $jsApiTicket = NULL;
  public $jsApiTime = NULL;
  public function __construct(){
   * 微信提交API方法,返回微信指定JSON
  public function wxHttpsRequest($url,$data = null){
    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
    if (!empty($data)){
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $output = curl_exec($curl);
    return $output;
   * 微信带证书提交数据 - 微信红包使用
  public function wxHttpsRequestPem($url, $vars, $second=30,$aHeader=array()){
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY, '');
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 8080);
    //第一种方法,cert 与 key 分别属于两个.pem文件
    if( count($aHeader) >= 1 ){
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $aHeader);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
      return $data;
    else { 
      $error = curl_errno($ch);
      echo "call faild, errorCode:$error\n"; 
      return false;
   * 微信获取AccessToken 返回指定微信公众号的at信息
  public function wxAccessToken($appId = NULL , $appSecret = NULL){
    $appId   = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId;
    $appSecret  = is_null($appSecret) ? self::appSecret : $appSecret;
    $url   = "".$appId."&secret=".$appSecret;
    $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
    $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
    $access_token = $jsoninfo["access_token"];
    return $access_token;
   * 微信获取ApiTicket 返回指定微信公众号的at信息
  public function wxJsApiTicket($appId = NULL , $appSecret = NULL){
    $appId   = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId;
    $appSecret  = is_null($appSecret) ? self::appSecret : $appSecret;
    $url   = "".$this->wxAccessToken();
    $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
    $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
    $ticket   = $jsoninfo['ticket'];
    //echo $ticket . "<br />";
    return $ticket;
  public function wxVerifyJsApiTicket($appId = NULL , $appSecret = NULL){
   if(!empty($this->jsApiTime) && intval($this->jsApiTime) > time() && !empty($this->jsApiTicket)){
    $ticket = $this->jsApiTicket;
    $ticket = $this->wxJsApiTicket($appId,$appSecret);
    $this->jsApiTicket = $ticket;
    $this->jsApiTime = time() + 7200;
   return $ticket;
   * 微信通过OPENID获取用户信息,返回数组
  public function wxGetUser($openId){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "".$wxAccessToken."&openid=".$openId."&lang=zh_CN";
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   * 微信生成二维码ticket
  public function wxQrCodeTicket($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url  = "".$wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   return $result;
   * 微信通过ticket生成二维码
  public function wxQrCode($ticket){
   $url = "" . urlencode($ticket);
   return $url;
   * 微信通过指定模板信息发送给指定用户,发送完成后返回指定JSON数据
  public function wxSendTemplate($jsonData){
    $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
    $url   = "".$wxAccessToken;
    $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
    return $result;
   *  发送自定义的模板消息
  public function wxSetSend($touser, $template_id, $url, $data, $topcolor = '#7B68EE'){
    $template = array(
      'touser' => $touser,
      'template_id' => $template_id,
      'url' => $url,
      'topcolor' => $topcolor,
      'data' => $data
    $jsonData = urldecode(json_encode($template));
    echo $jsonData;
    $result = $this->wxSendTemplate($jsonData);
    return $result;
   * 微信设置OAUTH跳转URL,返回字符串信息 - SCOPE = snsapi_base //验证时不返回确认页面,只能获取OPENID
  public function wxOauthBase($redirectUrl,$state = "",$appId = NULL){
    $appId   = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId;
    $url = "".$appId."&redirect_uri=".$redirectUrl."&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=".$state."#wechat_redirect";
    return $url;
   * 微信设置OAUTH跳转URL,返回字符串信息 - SCOPE = snsapi_userinfo //获取用户完整信息
  public function wxOauthUserinfo($redirectUrl,$state = "",$appId = NULL){
    $appId   = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId;
    $url = "".$appId."&redirect_uri=".$redirectUrl."&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=".$state."#wechat_redirect";
    return $url;
   * 微信OAUTH跳转指定URL
  public function wxHeader($url){
   * 微信通过OAUTH返回页面中获取AT信息
  public function wxOauthAccessToken($code,$appId = NULL , $appSecret = NULL){
    $appId   = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId;
    $appSecret  = is_null($appSecret) ? self::appSecret : $appSecret;
    $url = "".$appId."&secret=".$appSecret."&code=".$code."&grant_type=authorization_code";
    $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
    $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
    //$access_token  = $jsoninfo["access_token"];
    return $jsoninfo;   
   * 微信通过OAUTH的Access_Token的信息获取当前用户信息 // 只执行在snsapi_userinfo模式运行
  public function wxOauthUser($OauthAT,$openId){
    $url   = "".$OauthAT."&openid=".$openId."&lang=zh_CN";
    $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
    $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
    return $jsoninfo;   
   * 创建自定义菜单
  public function wxMenuCreate($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;   
   * 获取自定义菜单
  public function wxMenuGet(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   * 删除自定义菜单
  public function wxMenuDelete(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   * 获取第三方自定义菜单
  public function wxMenuGetInfo(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   * 微信客服接口 - Add 添加客服人员
  public function wxServiceAdd($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   * 微信客服接口 - Update 编辑客服人员
  public function wxServiceUpdate($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   * 微信客服接口 - Delete 删除客服人员
  public function wxServiceDelete($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服接口 - 上传头像
  public function wxServiceUpdateCover($kf_account, $media = '') {
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   //$data['access_token'] = $wxAccessToken;
   $data['media']  = '@D:\\workspace\\htdocs\\yky_test\\logo.jpg';
   $url   = "https://".$wxAccessToken."&kf_account=".$kf_account;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$data);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服接口 - 获取客服列表
  public function wxServiceList(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服接口 - 获取在线客服接待信息
  public function wxServiceOnlineList(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服接口 - 客服发送信息
  public function wxServiceSend($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服会话接口 - 创建会话
  public function wxServiceSessionAdd($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服会话接口 - 关闭会话
  public function wxServiceSessionClose(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服会话接口 - 获取会话
  public function wxServiceSessionGet($openId){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "".$wxAccessToken."&openid=" . $openId;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服会话接口 - 获取会话列表
  public function wxServiceSessionList($kf_account){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "".$wxAccessToken."&kf_account=" . $kf_account ;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信客服会话接口 - 未接入会话
  public function wxServiceSessionWaitCase(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "".$wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 申请设备ID
  public function wxDeviceApply($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 编辑设备ID
  public function wxDeviceUpdate($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 本店关联设备
  public function wxDeviceBindLocation($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 查询设备列表
  public function wxDeviceSearch($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 新增页面
  public function wxPageAdd($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 编辑页面
  public function wxPageUpdate($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 查询页面
  public function wxPageSearch($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 删除页面
  public function wxPageDelete($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 上传图片素材
  public function wxMaterialAdd($media = '') {
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   //$data['access_token'] = $wxAccessToken;
   $data['media']  = '@D:\\workspace\\htdocs\\yky_test\\logo.jpg';
   $url   = "".$wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$data);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 配置设备与页面的关联关系
  public function wxDeviceBindPage($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 获取摇周边的设备及用户信息
  public function wxGetShakeInfo($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信摇一摇 - 以设备为维度的数据统计接口
  public function wxGetShakeStatistics($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  生成随机字符串 - 最长为32位字符串
  public function wxNonceStr($length = 16, $type = FALSE) {
   $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
   $str = "";
   for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    $str .= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1), 1);
   if($type == TRUE){
    return strtoupper(md5(time() . $str));
   else {
    return $str;
   *  微信商户订单号 - 最长28位字符串
  public function wxMchBillno($mchid = NULL) {
    if(self::mchid == "" || is_null(self::mchid)){
     $mchid = time();
     $mchid = self::mchid;
    $mchid = substr(addslashes($mchid),0,10);
   return date("Ymd",time()).time().$mchid;
   *  微信格式化数组变成参数格式 - 支持url加密
  public function wxSetParam($parameters){
   if(is_array($parameters) && !empty($parameters)){
    $this->parameters = $parameters;
    return $this->parameters;
    return array();
   *  微信格式化数组变成参数格式 - 支持url加密
  public function wxFormatArray($parameters = NULL, $urlencode = FALSE){
    $parameters = $this->parameters;
   $restr = "";//初始化空
   foreach ($parameters as $k => $v){//循环定制参数
    if (null != $v && "null" != $v && "sign" != $k) {
      $v = urlencode($v);
     $restr .= $k . "=" . $v . "&";//返回完整字符串
   if (strlen($restr) > 0) {//如果存在数据则将最后“&”删除
    $restr = substr($restr, 0, strlen($restr)-1);
   return $restr;//返回字符串
   *  微信MD5签名生成器 - 需要将参数数组转化成为字符串[wxFormatArray方法]
  public function wxMd5Sign($content, $privatekey){
  try {
    if (is_null($privatekey)) {
     throw new Exception("财付通签名key不能为空!");
    if (is_null($content)) {
     throw new Exception("财付通签名内容不能为空");
    $signStr = $content . "&key=" . $privatekey;
    return strtoupper(md5($signStr));
   catch (Exception $e)
   *  微信Sha1签名生成器 - 需要将参数数组转化成为字符串[wxFormatArray方法]
  public function wxSha1Sign($content){
   try {
    if (is_null($content)) {
     throw new Exception("签名内容不能为空");
    //$signStr = $content;
    return sha1($content);
   catch (Exception $e)
   *  微信jsApi整合方法 - 通过调用此方法获得jsapi数据
  public function wxJsapiPackage(){
   $jsapi_ticket = $this->wxVerifyJsApiTicket();
   // 注意 URL 一定要动态获取,不能 hardcode.
   $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://";
   $url = $protocol.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
   $timestamp = time();
   $nonceStr = $this->wxNonceStr();
   $signPackage = array(
    "jsapi_ticket" => $jsapi_ticket,
    "nonceStr" => $nonceStr,
    "timestamp" => $timestamp,
    "url"  => $url
   // 这里参数的顺序要按照 key 值 ASCII 码升序排序
   $rawString = "jsapi_ticket=$jsapi_ticket&noncestr=$nonceStr×tamp=$timestamp&url=$url";
   //$rawString = $this->wxFormatArray($signPackage);
   $signature = $this->wxSha1Sign($rawString);
   $signPackage['signature'] = $signature;
   $signPackage['rawString'] = $rawString;
   $signPackage['appId'] = self::appId;
   return $signPackage;
   *  微信卡券:JSAPI 卡券Package - 基础参数没有附带任何值 - 再生产环境中需要根据实际情况进行修改
  public function wxCardPackage($cardId , $timestamp = ''){
   $api_ticket = $this->wxVerifyJsApiTicket();
    $timestamp = $timestamp;
    $timestamp = time();
   $arrays = array(self::appSecret,$timestamp,$cardId);
   sort($arrays , SORT_STRING);
   //echo implode("",$arrays)."<br />";
   $string = sha1(implode($arrays));
   //echo $string;
   $resultArray['cardId'] = $cardId;
   $resultArray['cardExt'] = array();
   $resultArray['cardExt']['code'] = '';
   $resultArray['cardExt']['openid'] = '';
   $resultArray['cardExt']['timestamp'] = $timestamp;
   $resultArray['cardExt']['signature'] = $string;
   return $resultArray;
   *  微信卡券:JSAPI 卡券全部卡券 Package
  public function wxCardAllPackage($cardIdArray = array(),$timestamp = ''){
   $reArrays = array();
   if(!empty($cardIdArray) && (is_array($cardIdArray) || is_object($cardIdArray))){
    foreach($cardIdArray as $value){
     $reArrays[] = $this->wxCardPackage($value,$timestamp);
    $reArrays[] = $this->wxCardPackage($cardIdArray,$timestamp);
   return strval(json_encode($reArrays));
   *  微信卡券:获取卡券列表
  public function wxCardListPackage($cardType = "" , $cardId = ""){
   //$api_ticket = $this->wxVerifyJsApiTicket();
   $resultArray = array();
   $timestamp = time();
   $nonceStr = $this->wxNonceStr();
   //$strings = 
   $arrays = array(self::appId,self::appSecret,$timestamp,$nonceStr);
   sort($arrays , SORT_STRING);
   $string = sha1(implode($arrays));
   $resultArray['app_id'] = self::appId;
   $resultArray['card_sign'] = $string;
   $resultArray['time_stamp'] = $timestamp;
   $resultArray['nonce_str'] = $nonceStr;
   $resultArray['card_type'] = $cardType;
   $resultArray['card_id'] = $cardId;
   return $resultArray;
   *  将数组解析XML - 微信红包接口
  public function wxArrayToXml($parameters = NULL){
    $parameters = $this->parameters;
   if(!is_array($parameters) || empty($parameters)){
   $xml = "<xml>";
   foreach ($arr as $key=>$val)
    if (is_numeric($val))
   return $xml; 
   *  微信卡券:上传LOGO - 需要改写动态功能
  public function wxCardUpdateImg() {
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   //$data['access_token'] = $wxAccessToken;
   $data['buffer']  = '@D:\\workspace\\htdocs\\yky_test\\logo.jpg';
   $url   = "".$wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$data);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   //array(1) { ["url"]=> string(121) "" } 
   *  微信卡券:获取颜色
  public function wxCardColor(){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url    = "".$wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信卡券:拉取门店列表
  public function wxBatchGet($offset = 0, $count = 0){
   $jsonData = json_encode(array('offset' => intval($offset) , 'count' => intval($count)));
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;    
   *  微信卡券:创建卡券
  public function wxCardCreated($jsonData) {
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信卡券:查询卡券详情
  public function wxCardGetInfo($jsonData) {
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信卡券:设置白名单
  public function wxCardWhiteList($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;
   *  微信卡券:消耗卡券
  public function wxCardConsume($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;   
   *  微信卡券:删除卡券
  public function wxCardDelete($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;   
   *  微信卡券:选择卡券 - 解析CODE
  public function wxCardDecryptCode($jsonData){
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;    
   *  微信卡券:更改库存
  public function wxCardModifyStock($cardId , $increase_stock_value = 0 , $reduce_stock_value = 0){
   if(intval($increase_stock_value) == 0 && intval($reduce_stock_value) == 0){
    return false;
   $jsonData = json_encode(array("card_id" => $cardId , 'increase_stock_value' => intval($increase_stock_value) , 'reduce_stock_value' => intval($reduce_stock_value)));
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;    
   *  微信卡券:查询用户CODE
  public function wxCardQueryCode($code , $cardId = ''){
   $jsonData = json_encode(array("code" => $code , 'card_id' => $cardId ));
   $wxAccessToken = $this->wxAccessToken();
   $url   = "" . $wxAccessToken;
   $result   = $this->wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData);
   $jsoninfo  = json_decode($result, true);
   return $jsoninfo;    


 require_once '';
 $wx = new WxApi();
  $CODE = $_GET['code'];
  $Info = $wx->wxOauthAccessToken($CODE);
  $openId = $Info['openid'];
 $signPackage = $wx->wxJsapiPackage();
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <script src=""></script>
    debug: true,
    appId: '<?php echo $signPackage["appId"];?>',
    timestamp: <?php echo $signPackage["timestamp"];?>,
    nonceStr: '<?php echo $signPackage["nonceStr"];?>',
    signature: '<?php echo $signPackage["signature"];?>',
    jsApiList: [
    // 所有要调用的 API 都要加到这个列表中
   wx.ready(function () {
    // 在这里调用 API
     title: '互联网之子',
     desc: '在长大的过程中,我才慢慢发现,我身边的所有事,别人跟我说的所有事,那些所谓本来如此,注定如此的事,它们其实没有非得如此,事情是可以改变的。更重要的是,有些事既然错了,那就该做出改变。',
     link: '',
     imgUrl: '',
     trigger: function (res) {
      // 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回
     success: function (res) {
     cancel: function (res) {
     fail: function (res) {
      title: '互联网之子',
      link: '',
      imgUrl: '',
      trigger: function (res) {
        // 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回
      success: function (res) {
      cancel: function (res) {
      fail: function (res) {
   var readyFunc = function onBridgeReady() {
     document.querySelector('#batchAddCard').addEventListener('click',function(e) {
       WeixinJSBridge.invoke('batchAddCard', {
       "card_list": [<?php echo $kqInfo;?>]
       function(res) {
         alert(res.err_msg + " _ " + res.card_list);
   if (typeof WeixinJSBridge === "undefined") {
     document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', readyFunc, false);
   else {
   <input type="button" id="batchAddCard" name="batchAddCard" value="添加卡券" />
 * Description of wechat
 * @author Administrator
class WeChat extends WxApi{
 public $token = "";
 //put your code here
 public function __construct($token = "") {
  $this->token = $token;
 public function wcCheckSignature(){
   if (empty($this->token)) {
    throw new Exception('TOKEN is not defined!');
   $signature = $_GET["signature"];
   $timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"];
   $nonce = $_GET["nonce"];
   $token = $this->token;
   $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce);
   // use SORT_STRING rule
   sort($tmpArr, SORT_STRING);
   $tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr );
   $tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr );
   if( $tmpStr == $signature ){
     return true;
     return false;
  catch (Exception $e) {
   echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage();
 public function wcValid(){
  $echoStr = isset($_GET["echostr"]) && !empty($_GET["echostr"]) ? addslashes($_GET["echostr"]) : NULL;
   //valid signature , option
    echo $echoStr;
 public function wcMsg(){
  //get post data, May be due to the different environments
   $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
   $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName;
   $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName;
   $MsgType = $postObj->MsgType;
   if($MsgType == 'event'){//执行事件相应
    $Event = $postObj->Event;
    switch ($Event) {
     case 'subscribe'://关注
     case 'unsubscribe'://取消关注
     case 'SCAN'://扫描
     case 'LOCATION'://地址
     case 'CLICK'://点击时间
     case 'VIEW'://跳转
     case 'card_pass_check'://卡券审核通过
     case 'card_not_pass_check'://卡券审核失败
     case 'user_get_card'://用户领取卡券
     case 'user_del_card'://用户删除卡券
     case 'user_view_card'://用户浏览会员卡
     case 'user_consume_card'://用户核销卡券
     case 'kf_create_session'://创建会话
     case 'kf_close_session'://关闭会话
     case 'kf_switch_session'://转接会话
    switch ($MsgType) {
     case 'text'://文本格式
     case 'image'://图片格式
     case 'voice'://声音
     case 'video'://视频
     case 'shortvideo'://小视频
     case 'location'://上传地理位置
     case 'link'://链接相应
   $keyword = trim($postObj->Content);
   $time = time();
   $textTpl = "<xml>
   if(!empty( $keyword )){
    $msgType = "text";
    $contentStr = "Welcome to wechat world!";
    $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $contentStr);
    echo $resultStr;
    echo "Input something...";
   echo "暂时没有任何信息!";
 public function zcLog($errcode , $errmsg){
  $this->returnAy = array();
  $this->returnAy['errcode'] = $errcode;
  $this->returnAy['errmsg'] = $errmsg;
  $this->returnAy['errtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
  $logfile = fopen("logfile_".date("Ymd",time()).".txt", "a+");
  $txt = json_encode($this->returnAy)."\n";
  fwrite($logfile, $txt);
  //return $this->returnAy;

